Psychological Assessments
Comprehensive psycho-diagnostic and psycho-educational assessments are provided for children, adolescents and adults. Assessments are tailored to suit the unique needs of a client.
The following areas could be included in any psychological assessment, depending on the person’s unique needs: Cognitive (IQ) functioning, Scholastic functioning, Perceptual functioning, Emotional functioning and Neuropsychological functioning.
An integrated, dynamic approach to future career decision making is followed in order to guide the client through the process. The process is supported by background and vocational information, the development of self-knowledge, integration of information and decision making. Recommendations are based on the assessment of interests, aptitudes, personality traits & vocational maturity.
The following career test may be included in the test battery. Career Anchors, Career Interest Profile (CIP), High School Personality Questionnaire (HSPQ), Jung Personality Questionnaire (JPQ), Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), Myer Interest Questionnaire (MB-10), Holland Self Directed Search (SDS), & the Value Scales (VS).
This assessment is utilised in order to determine a person’s eligibility for extra time during school or university examinations. The standard extra time assessment battery includes the following tests: cognitive test, scholastic test, reading test and a perceptual test, as well as writing samples. Possible concessions that could be granted once a person is found to be eligible include: extra time, making use of a scribe or a reader, computer based examinations & a separate venue.
This assessment is utilised to identify learning and emotional problems as well as social deficits and/or behavioural problems, which may influence the learner’s scholastic achievements. Various aspects that are essential for optimal scholastic performance are investigated. Information is gathered by means of clinical interviews, psychometric evaluation and collateral information from teachers and parents.
A collaborative and active decision-making approach is followed in order to guide learners in selecting suitable subjects. This process aims to guide the learner in gaining self-knowledge, examination of appropriate subject information from the school, integration of information and decision making. Recommendations are based on the assessment of the learner’s personality, interests, aptitudes, study patterns and study attitudes.
A child’s school readiness needs to be established to determine whether a child is cognitively & emotionally ready to begin formal education. Information is gathered by means of collateral data that includes interview and/ report forms and a comprehensive psychometric evaluation. The psychometric assessment examines cognitive, emotional, social and behavioural developmental aspects, which create a holistic developmental profile of the prospective learner.

Educational Assessment

Psycho-Diagnostic Assessment